I intended this workout to be geared towards the male reader(s) of this blog, but I did it myself and LOVED it. The thing I loved most about it was that it took absolutely no equipment...except a chair.
Wide pushups: Focus on keeping your head up and touching your chin to the floor. Perform 10 repetitions. To make it a little easier, you can do the pushups on your knees.
Bike Kicks: Lying on your back, with your hands behind your ears, gently roll your body up until your shoulder blades are off the mat/floor...extend one leg and then the other as if you're riding a bike. Perform 20 repetitions. (That's 10 for each leg if you're a separatist)
Leg Raise Crunches: Lying on your back with your legs raised 6-8 inches off the floor, crunch your upper body until your shoulder blades are off the floor. In a controlled movement, lower back down to the floor. Repeat 20 times.
Tricep Pushups: With your core in plank position, place your hands on the floor with your elbows touching your sides. As you lower your core, the inside of your elbows should brush your sides. Perform 10 repetitions.
Leg Lifts/Reverse Crunches: Lying on your back, lift both legs together until they are perpendicular to the ground. Lower and repeat 20 times.
For an extra bump on this one, hold your shoulder blades off the ground as shown. And breathe weird and then have Husband take a photo.
Wide Pushups: Repeat from superset 1, except put your feet up on a chair, bench, or other raised surface (as you can see, we used the ottoman). 10 repetitions.
Plank: In tummy-down (prone) position, keep toes on the floor and raise body up onto your elbows. Keep your abs strong and your bum tucked in (don't sag down or push your bum up in the air). Hold that position for 30 alligators (improvising without a stopwatch).
Plank: Repeat as above, except hold it for 45 alligators. Hint: count out loud so you don't cheat. It takes longer to say "alligator" out loud than it does in your head.
Tricep Pushups: Repeat from superset 1, except feet up again. 10 repetitions.
Side planks: Lift your body of the ground and balance on one forearm and the side of your foot. Contract your abdominals and relax your shoulders. And breathe. Hold each side for 30 alligators.
Wide Pushups: Same as superset 1, but this time put your hands on the chair. 10 repetitions.
Toe Touch Crunches: Lying in a supine position, take your right hand and lift your left leg, touching your hand to your toe (ideally, but sometimes it's more like your shin) at 90 degrees. Repeat 10 times, and then use your left hand and right leg to complete the set, performing 10 repetitions on this side.
I was kind of caught mid-movement here, but your hand should touch some part of your leg/foot to complete the movement.
Classic Pushups: Same as superset 1, but this time, hands on the chair. 10 repetitions.
V-Sit: Basically, we could call this one the "bum balance." Bring your upper body to about 45 degrees, and do the same thing with both legs together, so your body is forming a V. Maybe a really wide V. Hold it for 30 alligators.
See? Wide V.
Tricep Pushups: Same as superset 1, but with your hands on the chair. 10 repetitions.
V-Sit with Oblique Twist: Keep your feet on the floor with your knees bent, and bring your upper body about 45 degrees. The higher you get, the easier the exercise will be, so try to stay low. Twist your upper body from side to side. Pretend you're holding a ball and trying to touch it to the ground on each side of you. Perform 12 repetitions on each side.
Weird face...Why do I do this? I don't know. I can't control it.
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