
Day 5 - So, what if it hurts?

Justin often asks me this question when we work out, and it came to my mind about ten times today. I maxed out on my weight on the first move of the first circuit...Lat pull-downs. I felt it throughout the rest of the workout. I pushed myself way harder today, and I'm so glad.

Favorite move so far...Step-ups. I used the stage in the aerobics room (recently renovated and it's a MILLION times better) so it was way harder than Tuesday. I did 20 reps on each leg and then di a one minute hill run at incline 10 at 5.5 mph. I thought I was going to die.

My face was SO red after this workout, that even with 15 minutes of cool down cardio, when I went to pick up the boys from the daycare, my 2-year-old said, "What's wrong, Mommy?" Lung collapse, not a big deal.

I do have to say, I'm not so sure about the crab walk. Feels weird and doesn't seem to be accomplishing anything.

PS. Hated the frittata for breakfast this morning. Still a dilemma, this breakfast issue.

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